You are a car dealer. You sell used cars. In this case, creating an online store does not make sense. Nobody will buy a car without a visual inspection.
You run a business that produces items that are also unsuitable for sale in a store. This could be for example a custom-made item. Your client will want to read about the possibilities you have. If the description shows that you are probably able to make what the client needs, only then he will contact you to ask about the details
In such and similar cases, it is worth considering a website where you will showcase your goods in a transparent way. If you only have a website that invites people to your company, the customer can naturally call first and make sure that you have or can do what he needs at the moment.
As a car dealer without a website, you receive several calls from people who know you or have heard about you from friends. With a simple website, you can answer more phone calls. Unfortunately, not everyone likes to ask sellers blindly if you have the exact car model they are currently looking for.
Suppose this is your lucky day. The news of your new car for sale is spreading around town. 20 people will call. Each one asks about the same things – mileage, year, color, type of gearbox, whether the vehicle is damaged, and the price. You will surely be glad that people are interested. But isn’t it worth saving your and their time?
You add a new vehicle to your website. People read the description and view the photos. In this case, you will only get 3 instead of 20 phone calls. But only interested parties will call… They will call you for additional information only. Two other customers will come directly to you to inspect the car.