Each of us has a hobby. Some do it for themselves, others are looking for additional income. Maybe you can do something that not many people can do, or it is a rare and unusual hobby? One day you will make sure that you are quite good. By hearing or reading comments from delighted people. If several people praise your work, you have reached a level you should be proud of. What if you shared your knowledge?
It doesn’t really matter what you’re good at… It could be any field. It can be painting, writing, drawing, cooking, photography, music, carving. You can also do great with the design of objects, create interesting things out of wood, or have some very good ideas for spending time with the kids!
You can share knowledge by showing and reviewing your achievements, you can also help those who would like to learn something new. Writing tutorials is a very well-known and appreciated form of help. Lots of people would like to learn something new about your shared hobby. It is thanks to tutorials from people who are willing and able to pass on the knowledge that it becomes possible.